Camping in Serbia

Camping in Serbia

It’s after sunset, and we still don‘t know where we are going to sleep tonight. We are crossing Serbia, the maps are not helpful in finding a campsite, so we don’t believe our luck when we finally see a meadow that could be a good place to camp on. It’s night, we can’t see any camp sign, the light inside is on, but no one answers our calls. A four-legged guard is barking loudly as well, but he only wants us to scratch his ear and quietly watches as we unpack the tents and go to sleep.

I don‘t know if we were woken up by the heat that was not bearable even at seven o’clock in the morning, or the clinking of sheep bells that the camp owner led to grazing. Before we got out of the tent, freshly milked goat’s milk was waiting for us and the farmer was laughing from ear to ear. After breakfast, he gave us a tour of his little farm, he did not forget to point out all the wineries in Serbia, and before we said our farewell, he poured us his home-made brandy and packed us a whole bottle of it for the trip. The resistance was futile, the price list on the wall spoke clearly:

Person/night – 5€
Car – 3€
Tea – 1€
Homemade brandy – GRATIS!

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